Right where Belize’s new Coastal Highway comes closest to the sea, we are offering many acres of prime beachfront land. This is pristine, elevated, Caribbean Beach ~ plus Seaside Lagoon Beach ~ much of it with good road access. A few are magnificent boat-access properties, near village docks, with space for airstrips ~ and also accessible by the most amazing boat tour you ever experienced. . . The Good Lord is just not making places like this anymore.
This is the closest private-destination-resort area to Belize’s international airport, only 59 minutes by car (9 minutes by air). The Coastal Highway was recently realigned and paved to international standards, so this mostly-undeveloped region is now being offered to investors. With careful and sustainable practices, we can develop these spectacular properties in harmony with nature and the historic local culture.
InTheTropics Network has been living & creating tropical safe havens here for many years. We know this Manatee/ Southern Lagoon/ Coastal Road area like nobody else. We appreciate the importance of the Gales Point Wildlife Sanctuary, and we are dedicated to maintaining this IUCN Category IV Marine Wildlife Sanctuary in its healthy, natural state.
Where is it? Go to GoogleEarth© and search for “Gales Point, Belize“. You will see an incredible 2-mile- long peninsula jutting into a vast seaside lagoon & estuary system, collectively called the “Southern Lagoon” area. Around it a 9,000+ acre lagoon is fed by 7 pure jungle rivers flowing from the nearby forested hills and jungle mountains. The water then flows into the wild & scenic Manatee Bar River and into the Caribbean Sea, about 19 miles due south of Belize City. Offshore are the islands of the MesoAmerican Barrier Reef, a Caribbean playground amidst the most verdant coral reefs in the world.

These very ocean beaches are the most important Hawksbill Turtle nesting beaches in the western Caribbean. Offshore are the islands of the MesoAmerican Barrier Reef, a Caribbean playground amidst the most verdant coral reefs in the world.
Our property offerings extend from north of the Manatee Bar River Mouth almost to the Sibun River, and south to Colson’s Point. It includes many miles of Caribbean beach on the east, and then west to the beaches, hills, and tributaries of the Southern, Western, and Sapodilla Lagoons. Inside a mile-wide isthmus are the lagoon-front properties, which offer excellent safe harbor dock locations for your ocean vessels. Several of these properties are on the isthmus ~ with beaches on both shores ~ sunrise & sunset ~ ocean & seaside lagoon. All these properties are along Belize’s coastal flight path. Several have areas surveyed for private airstrips and heliports.

We have by now (April 2025) sold most of our smaller (less than 10 acre) beach properties. What we are offering here is investment-grade property, in one of the most unique and pristine tropical locations in the world; in a safe, peaceful, and relaxed English speaking country; where the value of waterfront and agricultural land has continued to appreciate for over a century. Many of these properties are already legally subdivided. Subdivision is simple. Building codes are reasonable. Fresh water is abundant. Solar & wind power usage are widespread and easily accomplished. Grid power follows the Coastal Highway, but only along this 7-mile area.

Belize’s property tax and other taxes are crazy-low. Banks are modern. Its transparent legal system is based on English law, almost like Canada-on-the-Caribbean. The population density here is among the lowest in the Americas.

Here are our most recent “Beach” offerings:
Tiger Point Peninsula
A spectacular 359-acre pristine peninsula is centered within this wild seaside lagoon, with beautiful beaches all around. The Caribbean Sea ~ with untouched sand beaches ~ is only 1.3 miles east, connected by a wild and scenic river. It has a surveyed airstrip. This location its a world-class sport fishing destination. Click headline for more info.
49.58 acres on the Southern Lagoon
This undeveloped paradise is a short boat ride north of Gales Point Village, and just above the Manatee Bar River. It has 875 ft of Southern Lagoon beach, facing west. It extends east for several thousand feet and includes forest, mangrove, sand and open savanna. $155,000US
300 ac Isthmus Property, w/ beaches on both the Southern Lagoon & the Caribbean Sea.
This beautiful, undeveloped acreage has natural, high-sand Caribbean Beach on its east, “Sunrise” border, and over a kilometer of Southern Lagoon beach and Quamina Creek on its west, “Sunset” border. It is subdivided, and has a dock/pier on the protected lagoon side. Most of its acreage is open savanna, with hardwood forest in the highlands. Click headline for more info.
3 Acres of Landscaped Caribbean Beach w/2 Beautiful Beach Houses
This landscaped ocean beach has 2 new-construction beach houses and room for more. Good road access with private gated drive. High quality materials & craftsmanship, weather-resistant construction. This is the perfect safe haven retreat or vacation compound for you, your family and friends. Very affordably priced. Call us for pricing.
19 acres Caribbean Beach
Beautiful and affordable, this lot has 420ft of natural sand Caribbean Beach. For more info, click on the headline above. Boat access only, 3 miles from Gales Point Village, just outside the Manatee Bar River mouth. Click the blue headline above for info and pricing.
950 ac Isthmus Property, w/ beaches on both the Southern Lagoon & the Caribbean Sea
This beautiful, undeveloped acreage has 2 kilometers of natural, high-sand Caribbean Beach on its east, “Sunrise” border, and over a kilometer of Southern Lagoon beach and Quamina Creek on its west, “Sunset” border. The Caribbean Beach has many mature coconut palms and native hardwoods above the sand beach, with mangrove barrier about 200m back. Most of its acreage is beautiful open savanna, with a public-access road running through it. It is only 1 mile off the Coastal Highway. Click the blue headline above for info and pricing.
Ben Loman Cave Properties, 100 and 200 acres
These strategically located waterfront properties are at the gateway to the famous Ben Loman caves, on the Western Lagoon, directly west of the new luxury development of Coconut Point. Choose from 100 acres, or 200 acres subdivided into 16 titled lots. Boat access only, but with a 4WD road leading in from the Coastal Highway. 100 acres: $360,000; 200 acres subdivided: $750,000
20 Acre Ocean Marina Site on the Caribbean at Manatee Bar River Mouth:
This 20 acre beach property controls ocean access to, and is at the mouth of Belize’s popular Manatee Bar River. A natural, high-sand beach extends 645-ft. along the Caribbean Sea. It also has over 1,200-ft. of river frontage. A comprehensive development plan with full E.I.A. has been approved for a small Beach Hotel & Ocean Marina, restaurant, pool, residential lots, cabanas, helipad, and solar power infrastructure on this property.
10 Acres of Landscaped Caribbean Beach
Less-than-market pricing for a 693-ft stretch of Resort Quality, Elevated, Natural-Sand, Caribbean Beachfront! With good road access, this is a perfect location for your secure family compound, an epic Caribbean Beach Resort, or sub-dividable property for in-demand beach condos & planned residences. $1,200,000
420 Acre Forest with Hot Springs
On the shore of an IUCN Category IV Wildlife Marine Sanctuary, where there Maya Mountain foothills come close to the Caribbean Sea, is this beautiful and wild property. Black Creek runs through it, with a geo-thermal hot springs, as it flows into the 8-acre Black Lagoon, then into the Southern Lagoon. With a half-mile of sand frontage on the Southern Lagoon, it can be accessed by a public-access logging road from the Coastal Highway. By boat it is 90 minutes from Belize City via a spectacular jungle river/ seaside lagoon boat ride. It has a natural location for a pier or marina, with quick boat access to the nearby Caribbean Sea.
450 Acres of Jungle Hills, Open Savanna, and Lagoon Waterfront
This beautiful undeveloped property has Coastal Highway frontage at mile #19, with an entry road. It has numerous magnificent caves, some with Maya artifacts. It has 1/2 mile frontage on the Southern Lagoon with a natural site for marina and docks, and with many level, buildable, waterfront acres. $4,000 per acre. Click the blue headline above for info and pricing.