This 1,655± acre property features wild, hilly jungle and open savanna. Its rugged karst hills, and its caves with intact Mayan artifacts, are home to all 5 species of Central America’s “Big Cats”. These include Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Jaguarundi, and Margay, as well as the primordial ecosystem that allows them to thrive. This is a vital remnant of Central America’s critical, threatened habitat. Situated between two large Wildlife Sanctuaries along Belize’s Coastal Road, it is a vital link of the Maya Forest Corridor for migrating and breeding jaguar, and other endangered local animals.

Surrounded on the north and east by expanding agricultural and mining interests, it borders Belize’s beautiful Coastal Road. Currently this road is being paved, and it will soon be the “Coastal Highway“. This road is a strategic shortcut to the southern half of the country. Already there are competing interests for land in the area. To the west and south are more wild lands which we plan to also protect from development.

This is clear title property, capable of title insurance. It will qualify for Belize’s new Carbon Credit program, which would provide revenue for many years. It could be your private jungle adventure retreat. Or both. Less than one hour’s drive from Belize’s capital city, Belmopan; and less than one hour’s drive from the international airport (“BZE”), it is a world apart. Far from any hint of modern civilization, it is quiet, remote and secure. An agreement could be made with the NGOs who manage and protect the neighboring Wildlife Sanctuaries, for their rangers to also watch over this property, if you wish.

Right now is a critical time for Belize. It has a wealth of wild lands, but also a thriving agricultural economy. Although Belize has the least population density – by far – of any Central America or Caribbean country, its population is growing. The verdant farmlands here produce at least two harvest per year, feeding Belizeans, as well as sending profitable food exports to neighboring countries, the USA, and Europe.
We need to keep this important acreage wild and intact to maintain a healthy natural balance,
and a vital migration corridor for its endangered species. We hope you can help.
Please contact us for more information, GPS coordinations, or to schedule a visit.
Priced at $1,300 per acre
Please contact us for more information, GPS coordinations, or to schedule a visit.